Why I Voted For Trump, Why You Lost the Election

Why You Lost the Election

The short answer is you talked and didn’t listen. You didn’t listen for the same reason people who think they’re smart don’t listen—arrogance. And so, you never had a discussion with those you see as beneath you, as less intelligent, unpolished, or as xenophobes, homophobes, as sexist, racist, misogynist, and the rest of your list of ‘ists.’ and ‘phobes’  You wanted votes without consultation or sensing the pulse of people, instead pushing your views on them. In your unearned virtuousness, you thought we would follow you for absolutely no reason.

And now you mad as a result of the Trump election victory. Because you progressives/liberals/Marxists did not get your wary, all sorts of you people are desirous of America’s collapse and seek vengeance. It appears your targets are men, white men, but also Hispanic men, Indian Americans, and women from all groups believed to have voted against Kamala Harris; and add to that (especially) Black men believed to have voted for President-elect Trump. These ‘demographics’ are being accused of either being foolishly hoodwinked into voting for Trump, or knowingly engaged in an act of racial/ethnic/gender treason and self-hatred.

Why would they do such a thing?

I will not speak for others; I will speak for me. My itemized list of concerns that led me to choose Donald J. Trump:

  • Crime
  • National Security
  • Illegal Aliens
  • Cultural Breakdown
  • George W. Bush
  • Mass media/entertainment

There are many more, but these lead my issues of Why I Voted For Trump

Black people complain about crime, yet blacks never vote for a ‘tough on crime’ candidate. That reflects the black race; we are okay with crime, the idea of laws being enforced we find intolerable. Any candidate seeking to reestablish law and order will draw an immediate emotional response from the black community. The entirety of society sees the African American friendliness to violent crime and has figured out what the black community really is; emotionally unstable, violent, and pro-crime. Connecting this to the election, the democrat party in its efforts to keep the ‘black vote’ is in turn ‘crime tolerant.’  Therefore, if one is anti-crime (like me), your choice is the republican.

When something goes horribly wrong in foreign policy and/or national security, you will find the democrat hand on the control levers. The suggestion and lie that the United States lost stature on the world stage with George Bush or Donald Trump is a lie; yes, our country lost stature but not on the world stage. We lost stature on the world Liberal stage. Traveling to European nations to observe the world with their progressive counterparts, American democrats with a liberal worldview tend to be embarrassed in front of the virtuous elites across the ocean judging the US while comfortable in the blanket of security the American military provides. 

No, it is the opposite. When the latest favored democrat is in charge of the American policy machine, the terrible actors around the globe are confident that their aggression will go unanswered and American allies will not be supported. Progressives, Liberals, and the overall Democrat party had no problem with the Afghanistan collapse, while I and others like me were enraged.  The same for Benghazi.  Or the Chinese balloon that flew across the country.  Quite simply, with a DJT presidency about to begin, there is evidence everywhere that the bad actors around the world are backing off their varied plans, seeking to negotiate or capitulate. But you arrogant American liberals won’t know that because you don’t talk to us; you talk to them, seeking THEIR approval, instead of that of your own countrymen.

But really, you are disgusted by the idea that we are countrymen, and have no interest in being in kinship with us, so in a way, I understand.

We told you we are not in favor of illegal immigration. More than half the country is against it, but while in charge, you did it anyway. You lied and portrayed the issue as though we were all ignorant racists against immigration. Conservatives want LEGAL immigration, not this jumping the fence mob.  You failed to talk to anyone outside of your utopia about the issue. Did you consult the people most affected, Americans on the southern border? I called some of my military peers who live on the southern border to get perspective. I also spoke to family members in the construction trades, and acquaintances in the landscaping business, all who suffered greatly. You lied and shouted these aliens were doing jobs Americans did not want to do. I personally know two Black landscapers hurt by your refusal to weigh how this issue was affecting the Americans who make the country run. But it doesn’t matter to you, you hate us, yes, hate–you hate us–and you need to be right and win this argument.  Not to ‘get it right’, but ‘be right’–even if untrue.

I am accusing you, the progressive, of calculating that the closeness of elections would be remedied by ‘importing’ the votes you need. A tacit agreement with illegal aliens to allow them to enter and eventually become voters, as long as they remember in future elections which political party did it and reciprocate by voting for that party, that being the Democrat party. I think this why except for this latest Trump victory, the last eight presidential contests were decided by less than a couple million votes; importing voters could cement future elections for democrats.  But did you consider that these illegal aliens are dedicated Catholics?  Did you consider that these illegal aliens are family oriented and their culture is heavily rooted in gender roles?  Did you consider that the illegal alien cleaning your apartment or serving your food in the restaurant finds you lifestyle abominable?

Illegal aliens and the southern border are at the center of the fentanyl problem killing thousands of Americans.  Many are traveling under duress, the cartel’s ‘coyotes’ will hold back one of their family members, to be brought over only after the alien has crossed the border with a stash of fentanyl or some other drug.  But admitting that would compel action counter to your orders from democrat headquarters. You cannot speak out of turn, as Mayor Erick Adams found out. He admitted on live TV the migrant crisis was breaking New York City’s budget and services agencies, and the Biden Marxists came for him within days, throwing all manner of legal charges at him and his staff.  So ignore the border and fentanyl from China and the cartels.   You are clueless about the manufacture and importation of this deadly drug, because to get educated you would have to talk to police agencies, the border patrol, the DEA, Department of Homeland Security, and other entities you have enmity for.

As I make observations that the arrogant have missed, it will become clear why Donald Trump won.  Donald Trump won because of YOU the liberal/progressive/marxist.

In the wake of outrage of the death of George Floyd, The American black community had the world’s ear, there wasn’t anyone anywhere disaffected by the video. But, the African American community, spurred on by the Black Lives Matter movement, declared war on America. The rage exhibited by Black people was unwarranted, embarrassing, destructive, and despicable, but most importantly, frightening. Blacks rampaged in the streets in cities across America, attacking property and people. Police stations burned to the ground. Then looting. Then shoplifting. Then violent emotional meltdowns in airports, on airplanes, in malls, fast food restaurants, during sporting events, and even unprovoked on city streets.

More, it became clear that this had nothing to do with George Floyd. This was an entire race of people attempting to leverage the world’s sympathy. But it was overplayed, and the sympathy has turned to society’s doneness with a people who are stuck on perpetual complaint.  The African American democrat is seen as a hysterical race hustler.  I don’t even understand what Black people want anymore.  Several PRO-BLACK intellectuals have looked into the numbers and the whole argument that police are disproportionately shooting blacks is a lie.  A very Pro-Black professor, Roland Fryer, conducted a one-year study of police use-of-force and use-of-deadly-for activity and came to a stunning scientific conclusion–the notion that blacks are being disproportionately shot by police is a LIE.


I know you won’t because this disrupts your false worldview, but watch Harvard Professor Roland Fryer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpHmr-nWf5E&list=WL&index=141&t=262s

But the most obvious reason you lost is film and television. The television programming that your progressive allies dominating the media industry created. Go watch it. I know you’ve seen it, but don’t watch television as the indoctrinated you, raised from birth with no other perspective but your own.  Watch it like someone who went to Home Depot at 6am, bought lumber and hardware, spent the whole day in the cold rain building a shelter, and made sure everyone else in the family had a space in the shelter, even if that meant standing outside of the shelter your hands built. 

Like me and millions of other men, watch the people on that television berate you from inside their warm and dry shelter you admittedly imperfectly built, they who judge you, they who build nothing. Watch they who did not get calloused hands and bruised shins and sunburns and frostbite and missing digits charge that you are uncaring, abusive, and/or selfish. Watch it like you went to wars and distant lands, saw the errors of other peoples, and made sure those other’s mistakes were not repeated here, whilst those who did not go and see insist that the failed states of the world have secret answers to our problems.

Watch that television like those of us who see themselves torn down daily and repeatedly by those they protect and thought loved them. Watch as EVERY Hollywood film and TV show portray men as bumbling idiots who are only successful because of some woman hidden in a broom closet somewhere. Every event in history is being recast with a female lead who was the real reason for the advancement. The female characters are all fighting against evil men at every turn, those same men who make sure that when the ship sinks, women and the children get in the lifeboats first. The men who stand at the gates fighting the wolves, the men in the boats at Omaha Beach and Okinawa. The men who fix roofs in the summer sun or a driving rain with not a woman in sight but are then chastised for not helping around the house.

No, the male policemen, Soldiers, construction workers, linemen and so on aren’t the toughest…every TV show, every film, it is the five foot three, one hundred and twenty-five pound woman who beats up every man in sight, out shoots every man in sight, outhinks all the men, outdoes every man in sight, but we evil men won’t give this woman her due.  She is the best, better than all of us—it took Luke Skywalker three movies to become a Jedi, while Kylo the female replacement in a young boy’s science fiction story was a freighter pilot and Jedi in a few minutes.

Do women really hate us this much?

Over history, we have seen great men fall from inability to control their lust. But why am I being made to pay for it? Clinton, Trump, the Cuomo brothers, Epstein, Weinstein, Weiner (aka Carlos Danger) the list goes on—and Democrats all. Yet somehow, the everyday man with no casting couch or political leverage is made to pay for these sins. Every male activity or interest is now flooded with portrayals of men as evil wolves. Everyday every show is women’s revenge against men for all the millennia of men sacrificing everything for the love of those very women.

  To appease women after a spate of incidents involving football players, most notably Ray Rice of the Baltimore Ravens who beat up his girlfriend, all men were made to endure a campaign of women’s empowerment. So I, who has never laid a finger on my wife, must be inundated with the National Football League’s endless social slogans, the pink cleats campaign, and now even a commercial wherein little boys in football gear get tackled and embarrassed by their mothers on national TV.

Watch media like the men grooming sons to be fathers while that media is insistent on the constant thrusting of homosexual relationships to the forefront of culture. The producers, disregarding those of us who are revolted, insist that is it ‘normal’ and that we who do not subscribe are ‘phobes’.  Watch the television like a man, or a woman who believes in men, and it will become clear the homosexual agenda and the male-led family cannot coexist. So, it is in their (gays) interest to use the loudest platform in American culture to tear down the standards that make any culture thrive: the family. And that is what every film, TV show, newscast and even commercial consists of—the castigation of men and those who believe in men, deferring expertise and status to feminists, gays, and lesbians. Remember ‘Queer Eye for the Straight Guy?’ 

How did we get anything done before? Maybe the Revolutionary war was actually won by a strong and brave and empowered girl scout troop.

If you watch television like that, if you get outside of yourself, then like me you will see the cultural destruction clearly. They who did not have the vision to see a shelter needed to be built and did not participate in the construction of the shelter have arrogantly stood on a box and proclaimed that they should be in charge of the shelter they did not build or helped build. They don’t like the way the shelter was built and are tearing it down.

Typical of transference, you accuse us of hate, but it is actually you–the liberal, the progressive, and the feminist as the source of the hate.

Another reason I voted for Donald Trump was George W. Bush. I was disappointed in his passivity in the face of vitriolic attacks. He was ridiculed by the media for being less intelligent, which is their assessment of anyone from Texas or not from the progressive beltway of American politics.

(AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

The American left helped foreign media criticize him—how else would foreign news outlets come up with the term “cowboy diplomacy”? Comedians were absolutely vicious to him, books were written calling for his assassination, and Chris Rock called Bush a college ‘C-student’.  The criticisms and ridiculing of him may have been tolerable if they had not been so personal, and we felt them as though they were criticisms of us, we who humbly campaigned late at night eating cold pizza with hot soda to get ‘Dubya’ elected.

In the face of this, he posited that he would stay ‘above the fray,’ which I had no problem with if the talk were around policy. But it was not, the American left was attacking identity—the very crime they accuse the right of. Every Republican, even liberal Republicans (yes, they do exist), was branded an evil racist member of the illuminati seeking to implement a new world order that would oppress anyone not in their club. Bush didn’t respond when the attacks became virulently personal, and the republican party remained polite ‘gentlemen,’ who also would not fight back.

And then Donald Trump came in the room.

He came in swinging at every sacred part of the progressive left and did not hold back. Big Donald didn’t go the gentleman route, he got to work pissing them (you) off every way he could. He preached America first, to a democrat party that internally hates its own country. He did not back down on anything, every fight was worth fighting, even the internecine media tweet exchange with Greta Thornberg, the teenage climate activist from Norway (but I do admit I wish he would have just let that one go…). Nonetheless where George W Bush did not fight back, Donald Trump is back again, punching, kicking, and scratching. After years of being the butt of your jokes and cancellations, those of us on the right have a representative who is not going to stand for the other side’s BS.

So I look forward to seeing the policy moves.

There it is, the reasons why I voted for Trump and why you lost.


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