Bitten by Wolves

The hood gets to young girls early.  The wolves of ghetto life will watch your daughters and bite them early, infecting their unprepared minds.  The ravenous thugs that rule the ‘hood’ target young beauties and get to them ahead of more decent young men. By the time proper young men are fully groomed, and seek […]

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Intersectionality = An opportunity to use people.

Reviewing the word and concept of intersectionality, it seems well-meaning.  ‘We’ perceive that ‘you’ are being oppressed, and that your oppression similarly originates with our oppressors, or affects you a similar way.  Because what ‘you’ want may involve some of what ‘I’ want, or that the attainment of our different goals pits us against the

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We Need the ‘Boogeyman’

The ‘Boogeyman’ has existed since before the birth of everyone reading this.  Yes, he does exist.  For as much as this being is blamed for, his existence cannot simply be mass hysteria.  The Boogeyman is real.  Why would so many apparently competent people cower at his approach and hide from his arrival?  The Boogeyman’s name

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The Beauty Purge

Good looking people should be careful of the company they keep.  Hiding among you, the good looking, are the envious who feel they have missed out on promised greatness.  They are in perpetual despair because they failed in their beauty goals and are on a crusade against the attractive, motivated by the basic human emotion:

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The Black Republican

There are few expressions that generate the level of vitriolic ridicule as the above title.  Being one of this group of political rarities, and pariahs, I and those I will discuss fit into the statistic of only 5 out of 100 blacks are Republican. Most of this political block consists of well-educated and accomplished individuals

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A Culture of Belligerence

  There has been much speculation as to the cause of mass shootings, of violence, of the viciousness prevalent in everyday life in our nation.  Was it always there and with the growth of twenty-four-hour news and the internet we see events that years ago would not have appeared in your nightly one-hour newscast?  Or,

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“People Who Look Like Me”

The argument against prejudice is that it excludes people who may have value, based on their identity.  Me, being a science buff, will quote Sir Isaac Newton’s third law of physics:  every action has an equal and opposite reaction.  If whites are excluding people regardless of value just because they do not look like them, then it is also true that blacks are including people regardless of value just because they do look like them.

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