There are few expressions that generate the level of vitriolic ridicule as the above title. Being one of this group of political rarities, and pariahs, I and those I will discuss fit into the statistic of only 5 out of 100 blacks are Republican. Most of this political block consists of well-educated and accomplished individuals from all walks of life.
If one had compared the resume of President Barack Obama to those of Colonel Allen West, Businessman Herman Cain, JC Watts, Michael Steele, or Doctor Ben Carson prior to Barack Obama’s election, he would not have measured up to the other men named. President Obama’s only distinction was that of an unknown democrat senator from Illinois less than a year into his job. He was an affirmative action hire.
But yet, he was hired, and supported, and protected. In contrast, at each moment of choice, everyday Republicans passed on their opportunity with each of the Black Republicans listed. Somehow we picked Mitt Romney. Somehow we put Sarah Palin on the fight undercard. There was the Bob Dole experiment. Admittedly, I was a Steve Forbes fan with his flat tax.
Meanwhile, a man with no resume was moved to the front of the line and put in the White House. Liberal thinkers proved a point, maybe rightfully so. The Democrat party beat us to the inevitability of a Black man one day being voted president. I wanted my party, the Republican party, to be first up that mountain.
Senator Obama was identified and groomed. He was not equipped for every aspect of the job, so they helped him. Not only was he elected, but his party also assisted him and propped him up. His failure was not an option. It is as if they were jumping off roofs yelling, “ITS ALL FOR YOU DAMIEN!”
The Democrat party ensured he did not trip, they put their best around him, protected him, and today brag openly that he completed eight years successfully and with no (proven) scandals or embarrassing failures. Democrats now stand on the moral high ground, cheering to the countryside, “SEE! WE’RE NOT RACIST!” and point at Republicans, “–LIKE THEM!”. Then, to stomp on our graves they returned with a semi-black woman to do it again. That is why highlighting Joe Biden’s gaffes and errs and inappropriate ethnic comments fell on deaf ears.
Donald Trump did endorse John James, United States Military Academy graduate and combat tested Iraq war helicopter pilot, who ran for Senator in Michigan. The endorsement came eleven days out and this black man went home empty handed after his second attempt at the job. A West Point man, he was clearly more impressive than Barack Obama. Yet, I do not recall any national promotion from the party frequently accused of being unfriendly to blacks (In a later blog post, I will be holding the Black community’s feet to the fire for this same crime, not promoting our stars).
For the year before and during Donald Trump’s presidency, a black radio talk show host with a solid corporate background and obvious skill at media campaigned for Donald Trump daily. He expressed his loyalty to conservatism, and even voiced his willingness to be a White house press secretary—As far as I know, Kevin Jackson received no job offer. If he did, correct me. Kevin Jackson funded and produced a film titled “Bleeding Blue”, supporting law enforcement. No mention from the Republican party. A Black man
announcing support for Law Enforcement should have been promoted. Aside from his radio show, I’ve never heard the film mentioned. He used to be a contributor to Fox News, but was banned after a nasty comment about Kristine Blasey Ford, the woman who accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of rape almost forty years ago. No spoken outrage anywhere at Kevin’s treatment.
President Trump’s nominations of competent Black persons were not advertised. A mostly Liberal media propaganda complex plays a large part in that. However, Republicans when they did have the spotlight, only occasionally touted Ben Carson and Surgeon General Jerome Adams.
President Trump’s appointment of the United States Marine Corps first Black female one-star General, Lorna M. Mahlock went unnoticed.
In 2017, Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) wrote the tax plan presented by President Trump. This plan included ‘Opportunity Zones’ (OZs), “. . . a brand new federal tax incentive to drive private investment into our nation’s most distressed zip codes”. The plan included incentives for 47 Historically Black Colleges/Universities. His now retired partner Senator from that state, Trey Gowdy, stated: “Senator Scott is the future of the Republican party”. I hope to hear the louder and more powerful Republican voices assign Mr. Scott such acclaim.
President Trump’s public affinity for Blacks seemed restricted to the confusing or bizarre: Steve Harvey, Kanye West, Omarosa Manigault, Diamond & Silk, etc.
The Republican party occasionally will position an African American for apparently cosmetic purposes, most recently Michael Steele as chairman of the Republican National Committee (RNC). Granted, his conservatism was inconsistent and perplexing. It may be better stated he was more a Liberal Republican rather than a Conservative. To address dissatisfaction with Steele’s confounding political positions, Ian Walters of the American Conservative Union admitted, “We elected Mike Steele as chairman because he was a black guy, that was the wrong thing to do.” He probably meant to say that Steele’s race was considered before his politics, and that this was their version of outreach, but that may have been almost as bad. He could have expressed displeasure by saying, “I/we should have looked more closely at his policy beliefs”, but that would admit bad decision making on his/their part. By saying Steele’s race was a factor infers that the choice of Michael Steele is not really their fault, but the fault of making a public appeal.
And so, the RNC placed a black man in a position whose chief role is to expand membership and raise funds. I am going to go out on a limb and forecast that any republican outreach to blacks will require spending funds—not raising. For instance: if any of your major oil/gasoline companies initiated an African American (not minority, not immigrant) partnership and assisted black men in gas station ownership, they would never have to fight the anti-fossil fuel movement again. Black people getting financial reward from gas stations? Black people would beat the pee out of anyone getting in the way of drilling for oil.
And if that partnership happened, the Republican pro-business platform would have much more credibility.
Turning toward the debate over gun ownership, was there any outreach to Antonia Okafor, outspoken second amendment advocate and national spokesperson for ‘Gun Owners of A
merica’ (GOA)?
Mrs Okafor gave the keynote address at the National Rifle Association-Institute for Legal Action forum and convention.
Have Republicans reached out to Candace Owens and began a grooming process? Mrs Owens converted from democrat to republican, and along with Brandon Tatum initiated the ‘BLEXIT’ movement, ‘Blacks exiting the Democrat party’. This position has made her a pariah in the Black community.
There have been some disappointing Black Republicans. Don’t make the mistake of thinking I don’t share frustration with

past efforts to enlist Colin Powell as our nominee; he let me down also by not accepting the overtures. And, despite the admiration bestowed upon him, he threw jabs at us in return. But, as Rush Limbaugh pointed out, aside from the revelation he was a registered and voting Republican, and a President Bush pick, which Republican policies did he champion?
A number of years ago I listened to the Rush Limbaugh show entertaining callers on “call in Friday”. I had convinced a few of my African-American peers to listen that day. When Rush, the champion of conservatism said “Hello, you’re on,” the caller responded in a gleeful southern accent: “HI RUSH, THIS IS _____ CALLING FROM THE LAASST CUNFEDERIT CAPITOL!!!” I could hear Rush sigh, and I could also visualize those who I had convinced to give conservatism a try walk away. This romantic view of the Confederacy and the accompanying pro-south revisionist history is killing us. I know it is not purely Republican, but the desire to promote the southern American ideal will from time to time put you in bed with this mindset. If you’re okay with that, that’s your right. But don’t expect me or other Blacks to also get in that bed with you two.
I have supported this party most of my voting life. I was too young to vote for Reagan, but I liked his economic ideas and how he handled Russia (“trust, but verify”). I voted for H.W. Bush the first time, but he lost his way and in 1992 I voted for H. Ross Perot. I also liked Steve Forbes and his flat tax. When we needed to dethrone Bill Clinton, I spent my vote on the unsuccessful Bob Dole. I voted for George Bush who refused to fight back against his detractors for eight years. On and on.
Today, the only things Republicans living conservative ideals have to show for our vote, efforts, and voice are the celebrations of our political opponents.
I am not dining at a table prepared for me in the presence of my ideological enemies. It is THEIR bellies that are full, THEIR beaks that are wet. We who sacrificed all, are pariahs for our effort. We are like the South Vietnamese watching Americans climb the embassy stairs to a waiting helicopter; while we are left to face the hordes empty handed.